Personal Injury

What Auto Accidents Are Eligible for Personal Injury Cases?


After experiencing an auto accident, you will want to know if you have a personal injury case on your hands. Not every motor vehicle accident requires you to involve a personal injury law firm. Sometimes accidents happen. Maybe your vehicle slid on the ice and crashed into a fence, or you hit a deer.

What Auto Accidents Are Eligible for Personal Injury Cases?2023-06-02T02:32:32+00:00

Here Is What To Do If You’ve Been Accused Of A Crime In Indiana


Accused of a crime in Indiana? When you first learn about criminal allegations against you, shock is a normal reaction. You'll then worry about prosecution and what penalties the state might impose on you. Your instincts might tell you to explain the truth to authorities. Unfortunately, this is not what you want to do.  Be polite and follow officer commands, but do not make any admission or statements until you speak with an experienced OWI attorney.

Here Is What To Do If You’ve Been Accused Of A Crime In Indiana2022-10-13T15:32:56+00:00
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